例会報告 2017/10/16

The meeting minutes of Oct.16, 2017.

Guest                     TM Duke Tatekawa

Business session                TM Takamiya

  • Toastmasters International District 76 Fall Conference 2017 will be held from Nov.2th to 4th .
  • The result of Division D tall Tale Contest.
  • We are planning to have a BBQ party on Oct. 29th.


Thought of the Evening       TM Mizuno

  • About the remarks of Douglas MacArthur.

At the time of the Korean War, MacArthur insisted on taking strong measures, but he was dismissed by Truman.

MacArthur’s last remarks were “Old soldiers never die. They just fade away.”

At the present time, we can say “All businessmen never die. They just fade away.”


Word of the Evening          TM Chiba



Toastmaster of the Evening      TM N. Tanaka



Timer ———————    TM Murata

Grammarian—————    TM M.Tanaka

Um/ah Counter————   TM Nishioka

Vote Counter ————–   TM Nakagami


Joke Master              TM Takayama

There is a big difference between 18- year-old people and 81-year-old people.

Their physical characteristics, mental characteristics and their mind-set are different.

How do they differ?


Table Topic Session        TM Kuroda

  • Do you have any methods to keep your physical health?   TM Nishioka   1’52
  • Do you have any methods to keep your mental health?           TM Nakagami  1’24
  • Did you already see autumn foliage this year?

If you saw it, where did you see it?                             TM M.Tanaka  1’35

  • Have you ever seen autumn foliage in a foreign country?

Where do you think is the best place to see it in a foreign country?  TM Tatekawa 1’38


Prepared Speakers                 

  • PS1       Title:  Nice to join you again           TM Yuriko Watanabe  3’15
  • PS2 CC#3  Get To The Point

Title:  Antique Legacy; School Uniform  TM Tohyama        6’41

  • PS3 AC#4  Presenting A Technical Paper

Title:  Let’s apply for a JICA Volunteer  TM Yo Watanabe     13’00


General Evaluator           TM Takamiya


Individual Evaluators

IE1   TM Oka              2’18

IE2   TM Sasaki           2’16

IE3   TM Takimoto         3’24


Best Speakers

Table Topics ——-  TM Nishioka

Individual Evaluator  TM Takimoto

Prepared speaker     TM Tohyama


Next meeting is Nov. 6th, 2017. Role assignments are as follows.

1.Thought of the Evening

TM 岡

6.Ah-Um Counter

TM 田嶋

11.Prepared Speech2

TM 堀内

2.Word of the Evening

TM 高宮

7.Vote Counter

TM 遠山

12.Prepared Speech3

TM 土方

3.Toastmaster of the Day

TM 佐々木

8.Joke Master

TM 水野

13.General Evaluator



TM M.田中

9.Table Topics

TM 内野

14-16Individual Evaluator

TM 滝本

10.Prepared Speech1


14.西岡 15.渡邉要
