例会報告 2018-12-17

The meeting minutes of December 17, 2018.


Business session; TM Oka came back to the Tsudanuma Toastmasters club.

Welcome back!


Thought of the Evening       TM Takai

He talked about his experience of Expo. Tsukuba, Aichi, Osaka. He hopes that next

Osaka Expo in 2025 stimulate economy, society and give children dreams for in the



Word of the Evening          TM Mizuno

“Avuncular (adj.)”  Kind and friendly toward a young or less experienced person

Ex. Avuncular manner

He began to talk in his most gentle and avuncular manner.


Toastmaster of the Evening      TM N. Tanaka



Timer  ———————    TM Mizuno

Grammarian—————    TM Kuroda

Um/ah Counter————    TM Oka

Vote Counter ————–    TM Takayama


Joke Master              TM Takayama

  1. A teenager girl talked with someone on the phone. She usually talks on the phone for about 2 hours. But she hung up the phone for only half an hour. Her father asked her, “Why did you hang up so shortly?”. She answered, “I dialed the wrong number.”
  2. When a woman was taking a shower on the 2nd floor, the doorbell rang. She rolled around her body with a towel and rushed down the door. In the entrance, a next‐door neighbor came. He said, “If you drop your towel, I’ll give you $800.” She thought for a while and drop her towel. The man said “Thank you” and gave her $800. After she went back to the bathroom, her husband asked her, “Did a next‐door neighbor pay back $800? I lent him $800”


Table Topic Session        TM Tajima

  1. If you can be back when you are forties, what do you advise for yourself?

TM Mizuno 1’47

  1. When you look back this year, how do you describe your 2018? TM Oka 1’27
  2. What is your most memorable Christmas present? TM Sasaki   1’36
  3. What do you think about recent cannabis regulation? TM Takamiya 1’36

Prepared Speakers

1.PS1 Pathways Innovative Planning #Level1 Evaluation and Feedback

Title: “Indian movies”    TM Horiuchi  6’38

  1. PS2 AC Series Interpretive Reading Project No.4 : THE PLAY

Title: “Peter Pan”     TM Watanabe  13’02

  1. PS3 AC#5 “Bringing History to Life” from “Story telling”

Title:  “Life is fruity”  TM Takimoto  8’41


General Evaluator           TM Nishioka


Individual Evaluators

IE1   TM Sasaki           3’11

IE2   TM Takamiya        3’21

IE3   TM Kuroda          3’21


Best Speakers

Table Topics ——-  TM Sasaki

Evaluator   ——-  TM Sasaki

Speaker     ——-  TM Horiuchi



The meeting minutes of December 3, 2018.


Thought of the Evening       TM N. Tanaka

Carlos Ghosn has been arrested regarding financial misconduct. Compared to

Mr. Toshio Doko, the 4th chairman of Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), Mr.

Ghosn is very different. Because Mr. doko lived a very simple life.


Word of the Evening          TM Kuroda

“compassion (noun)” “compassionate (adj.)” “compassionately (adv.)”

Ex. He is the owner of deep compassion. / compassionate hospitality /

She is wise and compassionate like me.


Toastmaster of the Evening      TM Yo. Watanabe



Timer  ———————    TM N. Tanaka

Grammarian—————    TM Horiuchi

Um/ah Counter————    TM Horiuchi

Vote Counter ————–    TM Takai


Joke Master              TM Takai

  1. Recently, old man driver’s traffic accident increased. One day the old man mistook the entrance of high-way. So, high-way patrol car chased his car and asked him. “You drove the wrong way.” Then, he answered while listening to music loudly, “Don’t mind, it’s way of my life”. The music which he is listening is “my way”.
  2. The Old woman’s car ran into the convenience store. She broke glass of the shop, but no one were injured. The shopkeeper was surprised and called police. Then, Police came to the convenience store. The policeman asked her, “Why did you run into the convenience store?” She answered, “Because this store has drive-through system.”
  3. Old man is in the license office with his wife. The office staff said, “If you give us back your driver’s license, I’ll give you commuter pass (Bus, Taxi).” He answered, “If you give me Mercedes Benz, I’ll give you back my driver’s license.”


Table Topic Session        TM Mizuno

  1. What do you think about these troubles in the sporting world? TM Kuroda 1’54
  2. What do you think about divorce? TM Takimoto 2’29
  3. Which is your opinion that son of Takanohana should become entertainer or shoemaker? TM Horiuchi   1’37
  4. What do you think about Takakeisyo who won Sumo tournament in November? TM Takai 2’18

Prepared Speakers

  1. PS1 CC#6 “Vocal Variety”

Title: “The book I love to read!”    TM Nakagami  7’22

  1. PS2 Pathways Motivational Strategies Level 2 Understanding your Communication Style

Title: “Tabi Toastmasters”     TM Sasaki  6’37

  1. PS3 AC#3 “Make them laugh”

Title:  “Get involved in something international!”  TM Takamiya  7’21


General Evaluator           TM Takayama


Individual Evaluators

IE1   TM Kuroda           3’21

IE2   TM Tajima           3’29

IE3   TM Takimoto         3’27


Best Speakers

Table Topics ——-  TM Kuroda

Evaluator   ——-  TM Kuroda

Speaker     ——-  TM Sasaki

例会報告 2018-11-19

The meeting minutes of November 19, 2018.


Thought of the Evening       TM Chiba

Tokyo Olympic games will hold in 2020. Many foreign visitors will come to Japan.


Word of the Evening          TM Takai


Ex. Haruki Murakami is donating drafts of his novels and other materials to

Waseda University.


Ex. I donated my blood to the hospital. / Bit Coin is good for donation to the Red cross.


Ex. We have many donators in Chiba city.


Toastmaster of the Evening      TM Nakagami



Timer  ———————    TM Takamiya

Grammarian—————    TM Takimoto

Um/ah Counter————    TM Takimoto

Vote Counter ————–    TM Takai


Joke Master              TM N. Tanaka

  1. Her mother-in-law was a good person, on the other hand, her father-in-law was mean. Unfortunately, her mother-in-law was passed away. Her father-in-law liked miso soup which mother-in-law made. But his son’s wife couldn’t make miso soup which her father-in-law liked. Finally, she succeeded to make miso soup. Because she put an insecticide in miso soup. Her father-in-law was very delighted.
  2. His wife was making a chocolate cake. The cake his wife made looked very delicious. So, her husband was going to taste. But his wife rejected. She said, “It’s for your funeral.”


Table Topic Session        TM Takayama

  1. How about your memory by sea traveling to Busan at golden week?

TM Takamiya 2’05

  1. How ware you surviving or enjoying or escaping from hot summer?

TM Horiuchi 1’17

  1. Would you tell us anything about this year’s weather? TM Takai   2’10
  2. What’s your impressive memory of autumn? TM Chiba 2’30


Prepared Speakers

  1. PS1 Pathways (Dynamic Leadership) : Ice Breaker

Title: “Who am I?”    TM Mizuno  6’29

  1. PS2 CC2 “Organize your speech”

Title: “My recent joyful time & experience!”     TM Yuri Watanabe  6’15

  1. PS3 Pathways Presentation Mastery Level #1 Project 2: Evaluation & Feedback 1st Speech

Title:  “Gingko Trees in Jingugaien”  TM Nishioka  7’50


General Evaluator           TM Horiuchi


Individual Evaluators

IE1   TM Yo. Watnabe      3’13

IE2   TM N. Tanaka        3’14

IE3   TM Kuroda           3’16


Best Speakers

Table Topics ——-  TM Takamiya

Evaluator   ——-  TM Kuroda

Speaker     ——-  TM Mizuno